20, nov 2012
Black Friday chega a Xbox Live Marketplace

Para comemorar a semana que antecede a Black Friday, a Microsoft preparou um grande pacote de descontos para seus games, tanto na Live Arcade como Games on Demand, além de DLC’s e aplicativos.

A promoção vai até o dia 26/11.

Xbox Live Arcade:
Daytona USA | 400 MS Points
Lara Croft: Guardian of Light | 600 MS Points
Magic 2013 | 400 MS Points
Rockband Blitz – 600 MS Points
Sega Vintage Collection: Alex Kidd & Co | 400 MS Points
Sega Vintage Collection: Golden Axe | 400 MS Points
Sega Vintage Collection: Monster World | 400 MS Points
Sega Vintage Collection: Streets of Rage | 400 MS Points
South Park: Tenorman’s Revenge | 400 MS Points
Space Channel 5 Part 2 | 400 MS Points
Spelunky | 600 MS Points
Warp | 400 MS Points

Games on Demand:
Portal 2 | 1600 MS Points
Dead Island | 1600 MS Points
Gunstringer | 1600 MS Points
Left 4 Dead 2 | 1600 MS Points

Download Content:
Darksiders 2:
Argul’s Tomb | 280 MS Points
Death Rides Pack | 280 MS Points

Dead Island:
Bloodbath | 400 MS Points
Ryder White | 400 MS Points

Forza Motorsport 4:
July Car pack | 280 MS Points
August Car Pack | 280 MS Points
Pennzoil Car Pack | 280 MS Points
Porsche Expansion Pack | 800 MS Points

El Diablo’s ‘Merican Adventure | 120 MS Points
Real Big Shootin’ | 120 MS Points

Left 4 Dead 2:
The Passing | 280 MS Points
The Sacrifice | 280 MS Points

Sleeping Dogs:
High Roller Pack | 120 MS Points
Red Envelope Pack | 120 MS Points
Top Dog Gold Pack | 120 MS Points

Magic 2013:
Expansion | 200 MS Points

Sales & Specials+ App:
Metal Slug XX | 600 MS Points
Worms: Ultimate Mayhem | 600 MS Points
Worms 2: Armageddon | 400 MS Points

Mike Andrade

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