
Confira os jogos gratuitos da PlayStation Plus de outubro

A Sony Interactive Entertainment anunciou os jogos grátis de outubro de 2018 para os assinantes do PlayStation Plus.

Confira a lista dos jogos abaixo:

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PlayStation 4

  • 2064: Read Only Memories (MidBoss)
  • The Bridge (The Quantum Astrophysicists GuilD)
  • Friday the 13th: The Ga/em> (Activision)
  • Laser League (505 Games)
  • Rocketbirds 2: Revolution (Ratloop Asia)
  • Bonus: Here They Lie (SIE) – até 7 de Outubro
  • Bonus: Knowledge is Power (SIE) – até 6 de Novembro

PlayStation 3

  • The Bridge (The Quantum Astrophysicists Guild)
  • Master Reboot (Wales Interactive)

PS Vita

  • 2064: Read Only Memories (MidBoss)
  • The Bridge (The Quantum Astrophysicists Guild)
  • Rocketbirds 2: Revolution (Ratloop Asia)

Para mais novidades, fique ligado no vgBR.

David Signorelli

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